K Q Watson

The writings and stuff of K. Q. Watson


A post-apocalyptic Romeo and Juliette story filtered through gas masks and set in apocryphal suburbia, where everything is just a little bit wrong...The sky is on fire but Phrae has learned not to sweat the small stuff. The only thing Phrae cares about is getting past the wall and entering the perfect city of AsBest. Six years ago, he lost the best thing he'd ever known behind the wall, and he means to get it back.When a work program opens up, allowing entrance into AsBest, Phrae is first in line. He plays the role of good little worker bee, because what's the old saying? Fake it until you take it?Six years ago, Melody was sold to the creepy bird-masked healer of AsBest. Trapped in the revolving ivory tower at the center of the metropolis, she is forced to sell parts of herself. Everything from her voice to her blood is packaged, commercialized and consumed by the rich. But Melody is not a little bird in a fragile cage, and she is determined to find a way out, even if it's on the end of a self-made noose.

Wheelchair Seating for the Apocalypse

Wheelchair Seating for the Apocalypse

Content Info: This story contains depictions of gore and self-inflicted harm.The apocalypse is here, and I'm snug in my apartment with cookie dough and despair. The internet and television are dead and I'm stuck in a wheelchair while the world falls apart outside. I'm alone, I'm tired, and I'm calm. Time for a final meal.Wheelchair Seating for the Apocalypse is a story for all those who are tired of seeing the creepy kids, strong dudes and hot chicks populate every horror story. It is for the un-well human who is tired of being perceived as selfless and endlessly chipper because of their condition, as though we exist as an inspiration to others.Sometimes it's empowering to choose not to fight.

Hey Look, a writing playlist!

This is the soundtrack I curated while writing
I hope you enjoy!


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